from black pearl
coconut charcoal cubes
The BlackPearl Charcoal Company was established using advanced briquetting techniques, inspired by great inventors, paving the way for a new era in charcoal grilling.



Most charcoal briquettes are made of wood. Millions of trees are being cut down annually for this purpose and it is indeed a major problem as it significantly affects rainforests. Rainforests feature some of the most biological diverse places on earth. The plants produce 20% of the worlds oxygen and rain water.

Over 25% of the worlds medicines are produced from rain forest plants. Having concern for the major issues arising from wood charcoal, most countries are now looking for echo-friendly charcoal briquettes to minimize the impairment of using wood charcoal. Hence, people are now focusing on buying coconut charcoal briquettes as a proper alternative for wood charcoal.

What We Do The Black Pearl research team has discovered the best formula to produce best quality charcoal briquettes using this carbonized coconut shell. The Companys main vision is to be a part of serving the environment. Producing charcoal out of the coconut shell would help the Company to save millions of trees on earth.


Solving climate change is a huge global challenge. The individual actions of people are still crucial in the battle against this challenge. For carbon emissions, this means reducing the CO2 contribution of each and every one of the six and a half billion people on the planet.

But what can we do as an individual or a family, to make a difference to the big picture? The vast majority of charcoal produced today is made from non-renewable fossil fuel sources such as bituminous coal, lignite coal and wood. These raw materials have a lifetime of 400 million years. The production of 1 MT of standard coal based briquettes release about 6 MT of CO2 per MT of carbon produced. What We Do Black Pearl charcoal is made out of coconut shell.

The production of coconut shell charcoal fixes the CO2 that would have been released from the natural decay of the coconuts as a solid, preventing its release to the atmosphere, sequestering the Co2. Out of the few methods that can be adopted to reduce CO2 emission, Black Pearl charcoal can make a real impact to Kicking the CO2 habit.


Most charcoal briquettes are made of wood. Millions of trees are being cut down annually for this purpose and it is indeed a major problem as it significantly affects rainforests. Rainforests feature some of the most biological diverse places on earth.The plants produce 20% of the worlds oxygen and rain water. Over 25% of the worlds medicines are produced from rain forest plants.

Having concern for the major issues arising from wood charcoal, most countries are now looking for echo-friendly charcoal briquettes to minimize the impairment of using wood charcoal. Hence, people are now focusing on buying coconut charcoal briquettes as a proper alternative for wood charcoal. The Black Pearl research team has discovered the best formula to produce best quality charcoal briquettes using this carbonized coconut shell.

The Companys main vision is to be a part of serving the environment. Producing charcoal out of the coconut shell would help the Company to save millions of trees on earth.


Around the world, 1.3 billion people live on less than US $1.25 a day. Left with only a few options, some resort to clearing land for subsistence agriculture, cutting down trees for firewood and selling illegal timber on the black market, often at prices far below the woods real value.The small income they derive from these destructive activities is rarely enough to lift them out of poverty.

Black Pearl procures over millions of coconut shells from local growers for production of charcoal for export requirements. Over the years, we have invested in equipment as well as in technical know-how for these operations in line with Black Pearl standards. A large number of people in the areas surrounding Black Pearl charcoal factories depend on Black Pearl for their livelihoods.

Entire families, even several generations within the same family have been dependent on our business over the last few decades and we have been committed ourselves towards creating these job opportunities for these workers.


Most charcoal briquettes are made of wood. Millions of trees are being cut down annually for this purpose and it is indeed a major problem as it significantly affects rainforests. Rainforests feature some of the most biological diverse places on earth.

The plants produce 20% of the worlds oxygen and rain water. Over 25% of the worlds medicines are produced from rain forest plants. Having concern for the major issues arising from wood charcoal, most countries are now looking for echo-friendly charcoal briquettes to minimize the impairment of using wood charcoal. Hence, people are now focusing on buying coconut charcoal briquettes as a proper alternative for wood charcoal.

The Black Pearl research team has discovered the best formula to produce best quality charcoal briquettes using this carbonized coconut shell. The Companys main vision is to be a part of serving the environment. Producing charcoal out of the coconut shell would help the Company to save millions of trees on earth.


Its been a known factor and major issue that there is a huge threat in illegal logging especially for making producing charcoal, for over-harvesting and agricultural conversion. As a result, forests and wildlife habitat is being destroyed at unprecedented rate, species becoming extinct, soil eroding, decline of water which ultimately leads to intensifying climate change. Black Pearl charcoal briquettes are made out of pure coconut shells.

Coconut is known as the Tree of Life producing over 300 nuts a year. The total production in Sri Lanka is more than 300 million nuts a year. A coconut tree has a lifetime of 60 to 100 years.

The nut is used for various productions such as milk powder, oil, medicine, beauty products and so on. The remaining shell is used to produce charcoal. Thus, Black Pearl supports to save the forest, as we dont involve ourselves in the cutting down of trees. Purchasing Black Pearl charcoal helps to save millions of trees that are cut down every year.


As a respected corporate entity, we take every effort in making a positive impact to the society we live in, contributing our fair share for the development of our communities. Every time you purchase our products, we will donate a percentage of our profits to the children at SOS Children's Villages Sri Lanka for their education and nutrition.


As a respected corporate entity, we take every effort in making a positive impact to the society we live in, contributing our fair share for the development of our communities. Every time you purchase our products, we will donate a percentage of our profits to the children at SOS Children's Villages Sri Lanka for their education and nutrition.